Pay less. Live More.

Pay a small fee, instead of a tenancy deposit

How does Reposit work?

  1. Step one

    You find your dream rental property

  2. Step two

    Agent or Landlord refers you to Reposit via email

  3. Step three

    You pay one week's rent as a fee to Reposit

  4. Step four

    If there are any damages you pay for them at the end of the tenancy

Important information for Tenants

  • Reposit is a tenancy deposit alternative. Instead of paying a five week cash deposit, you can choose to pay Reposit a non-refundable service fee equivalent to one week’s rent.

  • With Reposit, you remain liable for any end of tenancy charges, and the original Reposit service fee cannot be used towards these charges.

  • Reposit is a choice - you are not required to choose a Reposit if you would rather pay a five week cash deposit.

  • Your Reposit can cover any length of tenancy. If you remain in the property for more than twelve months, you will be required to pay an annual fee of £30.

  • At the end of the tenancy, we will alert you of any end of tenancy charges to be settled. Reposit works as a mediator between both parties if there are any disagreements with the charges raised.

  • To formally dispute your end of tenancy charges you will be required to pay a £60 fee. The case will then be independently arbitrated.

  • If the arbitration result is allocated wholly in the landlord’s favour, you will not be refunded the £60 charge. If the case is found to be in your favour and you are required to pay a lesser amount or none at all, the £60 charge will be refundable to you.

    Please note that if the arbitration result is a lesser amount but higher than £60, you will still be required to pay the difference for the end of tenancy charges as you are still liable.